Having survived an effort by the Paris government to replace him in army commander, Napoleon resumes his successful campaign in northern Italy, defeating a series of Austrian armies and negotiating a peace settlement highly advantageous...
Age of Revolution podcast
Quest for Empire 2.1
Following the fall of Robespierre, Napoleon meets a well-connected member of the salon scene, Rose Beauharnais, whom he calls by a pet name: Josephine. With her help, he wins command of the Army of Italy, and after a brief wedding and...
Quest for Empire 1.2
As a student in the national military school in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte bears witness to much of the violence of the French Revolution and learns to navigate the turbulent politics of the times. Text and narration by Dave Inglehart....
Quest for Empire 1.1
France's entry into the American Revolution is seen to have far-reaching consequences in this week's episode, which jumps ahead in time to the French Revolution and the career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Text and narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 5.2
British general John Burgoyne leads his army through dense forest to the upper Hudson only to find a large American force barring his route south to Albany. Text by William Hillenbrand, narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 5.1
General John Burgoyne embarks on an ambitious campaign to reach Albany by way of Canada and Lake Champlain in the lead-up to the Battle of Saratoga. Text by William Hillenbrand, music by Dennis Kennedy, narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 4.5
Following a string of demoralizing defeats, the Continental Army ends the year 1776 with restorative successes at Trenton and Princeton. Text by William Hillenbrand, music by Dennis Kennedy, narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 4.4
Defeated on Long Island and driven from Manhattan, the Continental Army makes a long, round-about journey to the west bank of the Delaware River. Text by William Hillenbrand, narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 4.3
After risking half of his army in a desperate gamble, General Washington earns a reputation as an escape artist in the Battle of Long Island. Text by William Hillenbrand, music by Dennis Kennedy, narration by Dave Inglehart....
Born in Battle 4.2
With a British fleet on its way to attack New York, Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence in the seclusion of his rooms in Philadelphia. Text by William Hillenbrand, music by Dennis Kennedy/Ted Thornton, narration by...